Trainings dedicated to foreign students of University of Silesia

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Are you a foreign student of the University of Silesia in Katowice? Are you looking for a possibility of development? Take part in trainings organized in spinPLACE as a part of an Open Day.

„Teamwork” training.
June 5, 2024, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Conference room B (first floor), spinPLACE
(Katowice, 5 Bankowa Street)

Participating in the training will allow you to learn key principles about teamwork and discover your potential in cooperation in a group.

During the training, participants will be introduced to the following topics:

  • what teamwork is about,
  • what rules apply in group work,
  • what roles in a team can be performed.

The training will be conducted through active methods requiring cooperation with other participants.

It will be carried out in English by Małgorzata Chatys – Career Advisor in Career Office.


Qualified persons will be informed the day before the event.


„Social innovation with elements of Design Thinking” training
June 5, 2024, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
Scale-up room (4th floor), spinPLACE
(Katowice, 5 Bankowa Street)

Social innovation involves the development and implementation of new ideas, products, services or models to address social and environmental challenges. Design thinking is a method that is used to design solutions, services, products or processes based on a deep understanding of user needs.During the training we will look at social challenges and then try to identify the people affected by the problems, identify the design challenge, and then prototype solutions.

The training will be conducted in English.

It will be carrried out by Maria Garus from Industry Cooperation Office.


Qualified persons will be informed the day before the event.